Abstract—In an open real-time system, the coexistence of different kinds of real-time and non real-time applications makes the system scheduling mechanism face new requirements and challenges. One two-level scheduling scheme of the open real-time systems was introduced. Through analysis, we find that the scheduling strategy for non real-time applications in original two-level scheduling scheme is too simple: it may make real-time applications unschedulable if non real-time applications contain non-preemptive sections (NPS). In order to avoid that, this paper proposes four pointed scheduling rules. Then by integrating the improved scheduling algorithm for non-real-time applications, we can solve problems existing in non real-time applications scheduling. Ultimately, the schedulability of real-time applications and non-real time applications can be guaranteed.
Index Terms—Non-preemptable section (NPS), non real-time application, open real-time system (ORTS), schedulability, two-level scheduling scheme.
Yong-xian JIN is with College of Mathematics, Physics and Information Science, Zhejiang Normal University, China.
Cite: YongXian JIN and JingZhou Huang, "Scheduling for Non-Real Time Applications of ORTS Based on Two-Level Scheduling Scheme," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 166-172, 2009.
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