Abstract—We investigated the registration of medical images based on the Normalized Tsallis entropy using mutual information measure. A prerequisite for successful registrationis unambiguous maximum of mutual information. We discuss the framework of our algorithm with Normalized Tsallis entropy as the core. Further we propose a type II fuzzy based technique to select the optimal Tsallis parameter q which provides the best alignment. Consequently, specific instances of image registration involving rigid affine transformations were studied. Registration was applied to clinically acquired mammogram. The accuracy was compared with several other techniques. Our algorithm shows promising results. Further, the Need for Pre-registration in mammogram is discussed in detail. Our algorithm can be effective enough to replace Shannon and Tsallis entropy based affine registration.
Index Terms—Tsallis entropy, Shannon entropy, Normalized Tsallis entropy, Joint intensity distribution, image registration, Powell optimization, Mammogram.
J. Mohanalin is with the Indian Institute of Technology , Kanpur, India(corresponding author phone number: 0988914581).
P.K.Kalra, is with the Indian Institute of Technology , Kanpur, India. He is now with the Department of Electrical, He was Head of Department of Electrical.
Nirmal Kumar is with the Indian Institute of Technology , Kanpur, India.He is the Chief Doctor of the Hospital inside IIT kanpur.
Cite: Mohanalin, Prem Kumar Kalra and Nirmal Kumar, "Mutual Information based Rigid Medical Image registration using Normalized Tsallis entropyand Type II fuzzy index.," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 173-178, 2009.
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