Abstract—Bioinformatics aims at computing biology at molecular level where day to day discovery of enormous tools and techniques have been developed. These tools and techniques are involved in solving biological problem which involves data analysis and interpretation of accurate results. Some of the diverse analysis processes of theses developed tools are sequence analysis, functional analysis, structural analysis and similarity and homology analysis. In tools development various factors that are to be taken into consideration where quality plays a vital role from the view point of end users. Quality assessment of the tools is necessary before involving the tool utilization for major purpose. Assessment of tools quality has been considered based on the tools usage considering its features and functionalities. Tools evaluation by means of its features and functionalities is one of the major standards adopted. Visualized representation is more effective than any other modes of representation is profound one which have been adopted in this paper. A visualized model for tools classification and categorization based on its features and functionalities in multi-dimensional form have been symbolized. Here modes of tools classifications and categorization using its features and functionalities multi-dimensionally have been narrated. The adopted standard model will play vital role for pre-primary quality assessment for a large set of tools. Quality assessment is made on ten tools and results have been analyzed. The model adopted here is a standard which could be adopted for any tools in any area.
Index Terms—Bioinformatics, Modeling, Multi-Dimension, Quality Assessment, Standards, Tools Evaluation.
Jayanthi Manicassamy and P. Dhavachelvan are from Department of Computer Science, Pondicherry University, Kalapet, Pondicherry, India.
Cite: Jayanthi Manicassamy and P. Dhavachelvan, "Multi-Dimensional Visualization of Bioinformatics Tools Classification and Its Transformation – For Quality Assessment," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 222-230, 2009.
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