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IJCTE 2009 Vol.1(3): 310-317 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2009.V1.50

Secured Routing Scheme for Adhoc Networks

Ashwani Kush, P. Gupta and C. Jinshong. Hwang

Abstract—A recent trend in Ad Hoc network routing is the reactive on-demand philosophy where routes are established only when required. Most of the protocols in this category are not incorporating proper security features. The ad hoc environment is accessible to both legitimate network users and malicious attackers. It has been observed that different protocols need different strategies for security. The proposed scheme is intended to be incorporated on the Power Aware Virtual Node Routing Protocol to protect its routing strategy. The study will help in making protocol more robust against attacks and standardizing parameters for security in routing protocols.

Index Terms—Ad hoc networks, Routing protocols, Security, Secure PAVNR

Ashwani Kush is working as head of Dept Univ college Kurukshetra University India. He is member of IEEE, ACM, CSI, IACSIT.
P. Gupta is Professor in Comp sci and engg, with Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India.
C. Jinshong Hwang is Professor computer science, with Texas state University USA.


Cite: Ashwani Kush, P. Gupta and C. Jinshong. Hwang, "Secured Routing Scheme for Adhoc Networks," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 310-317, 2009.

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