Abstract—Rate control is an important issue for video streaming in cellular networks. In this paper, we propose an equation based rate control and multiple connections for adaptive video streaming in cellular networks. In our method the sending rate is calculated as a function of round trip time(RTT), loss event rate (p), packet size (s) and new control parameters α and β, that are able to provide flexible and smooth transmission rate and slowly responsible congestion control and also adaptability to unpredictable wireless channel conditions. On the other hand, by using one TFRC connection, the wireless bandwidth is underutilization, so we introduce amethod by using more TFRC connections with new equation, it has the potential to achieve optimal performance, maximum throughput, and minimum packet loss rate. We have simulated this method in UMTS and according to results, this method in addition to network stability increases through put with low fluctuation by varying α and β and opening appropriate number of connections.
Index Terms—adaptive video streaming, cellular networks, rate control, TFRC, UMTS.
A. Mardanian Dehkordi is with Iran University of science and Technology, (corresponding author to provide phone: (+9821) 77808022-3; (e-mail: a_mardanian@vu.iust.ac.ir).
V. Tabataba Vakili is with Iran University of science and Technology, (e-mail: vakily@iust.ac.ir).
Cite: A. Mardanian Dehkordi and V. Tabataba Vakili, "Equation Based Rate Control and Multiple Connections for Adaptive Video Streaming in Cellular Networks," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 533-538, 2009.
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