Abstract—Mobile ad hoc networks are self-creating, self-administering and self-organizing entities. A self-motivated set of mobile wireless users dynamically exchange data among themselves in the absence of a predetermined infrastructure and controller. Malicious nodes adversely affect the performance of such networks. In an earlier paper we had suggested a self umpiring system for security as an enhancement to AODV protocol, in which mobile nodes in their role as umpire not only detect the functioning of malicious nodes, but also prevent them from further participation in the network activity. In this paper, we propose an enhancement to the self umpiring system, called USS-SRR, with the incorporation of salvaging routing reply (SRR). Exhaustive simulation studies using Qual Net 4.5 bring out the strength of the method. We show that, in the presence of 40 % malicious nodes and with a mobility of 20 m/s, the increase in throughput is nearly 2 % and reductions in control overhead and end-to-end delay respectively are 1.7 % and 4 % as compared to basic self umpiring system.
Index Terms—MANET, self-USS, USS-SRR, and malicious nodes
Ayyaswamy Kathirvel, Assistant Professor. He is now with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, BS Abdur Rahman University, Chennai 600048, Tamilnadu, India (E-mail: kathir@crescentcollege.org).
Rengaramanujam Srinivasan, Professor. He is now with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, BS Abdur Rahman University, Chennai 600 048, Tamilnadu, India (e-mail: rsvasan@crescentcollege.org).
Cite: Ayyaswamy Kathirvel and Rengaramanujam Srinivasan, "Enchanced Self Umpiring System for Security Using Salvaging Route Reply," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 129-134, 2010.
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