Abstract—One of the major reasons to address the security aspects in MANETS is the usage of wireless transmission medium, which is highly susceptible or vulnerable to attacks. This paper proposes a way to identify parallelly different types of attacks in MANETS. This approach is highly secure as it essentially concentrates on identifying misbehaving links, number of significant packets dropped and malicious nodes parallelly. This paper shows the implementation of identification and prevention of malicious nodes launching packet dropping and message tampering attacks, using a semantic security mechanism. This security scheme is highly impossible to break, thereby making it a highly secured approach. The evaluation results demonstrate that the approach effectively detects and prevents such nodes and links in networking sessions.
Index Terms—Attacks, Malicious nodes, MANETS, Message tampering, semantic, Packet dropping, Security
G. S. Mamatha, Lecturer, Information Science Department, R. V. College of Engineering, Mysore Road, Bangalore - 560059.
Dr. S. C. Sharma, Vice-Chancellor, Tumkur University, Tumkur, Karnataka.
Cite: G. S. Mamatha and Dr. S. C. Sharma, "A Highly Secured Approach against Attacks in MANETS,"
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 815-819, 2010.