Abstract—This is web based project which mainly deals with GENOMIC COMPRESSION. Here we have used several compression techniques i,e Huffman Compression Techniques, Four base to single base compression techniques..etc for compressing Nucleotide sequence of huge size. There are two phases one is ADNMINISTRATOR and another NORMAL USER. ADMINISTRATOR handles the data and maintains the database. Initially our aim to generate the encoded file for a particular file at runtime and the signature of that particular file are stored in another file to identify that particular file while decoding but due to stored of time we were not able to generate at runtime but rather we store the encoded file along with signature file in the database and while retrieving decoded data from encoded data we use encoded data file along with the signature file.The DNA sequences storing and transmitting them may require a huge amount of space. This web page are help to reduce the space for storing and transmitting data , also introduce one new techniques along with exiting Huffman Technique of compression routine. DNA and RNA sequences can be considered as tests over a four letter alphabet, namely {a,t,g and c}. This new algorithm can approach a compression rate of 2.1 bits /base and even lower. Time complexity of the algorithm O(n). The time complexity of this algorithm is linear and varies linearly with the size of the source file to be compressed. For accuracy purpose we have use mapping techniques in between input file and output file. The greatest advantage of this program is fast execution, small memory occupation and easy implementation.
Index Terms—Biology, Data Compression, Data Decompression, Genetics
Cite: Md. Syed Mahamud Hossein, Pradip Maiti and Arunima Mukherjee, "Online Genome Compression Software," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 141-147, 2011.
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