Abstract—The techniques and possibilities for Adhoc networks designed in general are always attracted by only a minority division of applications, the reason being the varied application environments. One of the imperative scenario covers applications where we have a lone sender, one or multiple end receivers and of course a number of intermediate nodes. The above scenario (Application specific) provides us the luxury of classifying nodes on the basis of various transmission states (Sender, intermediate, End-receiver). This node classifying strategy thus makes node state as a performance tuner for the whole network. The sender node consequently dictates the impact on the performance of whole transmission. Here we show that by eliminating almost all the transmission overheads at the sender node alone makes the whole transmission much more effective and efficient. The above scenario makes a ripple effect (improvement) on the overall transmission performance. Taking into consideration the aggregate throughput as the performance indicator across the nodes for transmission efficiency, we generate results for the throughput across the nodes, which help us to analyze the efficiency ratio of the various nodes for the current standard. Our analysis reveals that the proposed scheme works on all the standard bandwidths, moreover we found that at higher bandwidths the approach is showing more acceptance. The comparison of our scheme is done with existing (IEEE-802.11b) standard. Finally, we show the efficiency of the proposed scheme with respect to increase in bandwidth.
Index Terms—Network-Overhead, Bandwidth, Throughput.
W. U. Khan has done PhD (Computer Engg) and Post Doctorate (Computer Engg). He is Professor in Computer Engineering Department at, Shri G. S. Institute of Technology and Science, Indore, India. Email: wukhan@rediffmail.com
Majid Ahmad is Lecturer in Department of Computer Application, Medi-caps Institute of Technology and Management, Indore, India. Email: majid.kash@gmail.com, mobile-9691889764
Cite: W. U. Khan and Majid Ahmad, "Extended Multi-Class Approach for Improvement in Overall Throughput Efficiency of Mobile Adhoc Networks," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 427-430, 2011.
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