Abstract—This article is aimed on the data-driven scenario testing process. The first part of article starts with the general introduction into software testing. After that scenario testing is presented and also relations of scenario testing to functional requirements specifications are pointed out. Model-View-View Model architectural pattern is showed as an ideal candidate of testing friendly architecture of object oriented software system. Second part is devoted to proposal of data-driven scenario testing generation captured via UML notation. Finally, the proposal implementation is described in the context of real world object oriented system. The main goal of this article was to simplify task of testing complex functional user requirements by usage of scenarios in order to be agile enough, cut test preparation time and improve quality of the resulting software product.
Index Terms—scenario testing, data-driven, UML
P. Tanuska is with the Institute of Applied Informatics, Automation and Mathematic at the Slovak University of Technology, Trnava, Slovakia, (phone: +421 918 646 061; fax: +421 33 5511758; e-mail: pavol.tanuska@stuba.sk).
T. Skripcak is with the Institute of Applied Informatics, Automation and Mathematic at the Slovak University of Technology, Trnava, Slovakia, (e-mail: tomas.skripcak@stuba.sk).
Cite: P. Tanuska and T. Skripcak, "Data-Driven Scenario Test Generation for Information Systems," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 565-572, 2011.
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