Abstract—Vital emergence in digital, interactive media and computational tools has wider the doors for creativity. Cutting edge in the digital arts and role of new technologies can be explored for the possible creativity. This phenomenon has given an opportunity to involve arts with technologies to make creative works. The interactive artworks are often installed in the places where multiple people can interact with the installation, which allows the art to achieve its purpose by allowing the people to observe and involve with the installation. The level of engagement of the audience depends on the various factors such as aesthetic satisfaction, how the audience constructs meaning, pleasure and enjoyment. Methods to evaluate these experiences is challenging as it depends on integration between the artificial life and real life by means of human computer interaction. This research answer`s “How feasible is Adriano for creative and interactive artwork installations?” using an artwork installation in NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). The main focus of this research investigation has been to get an overview on the intersection between information technology and arts. This gives an opportunity to understand various attributes like creativity, cooperation and openness of processes influencing the creative artworks. The artwork is combination of Adriano and other auxiliary components. The data for analysis is mainly collected through the questionnaire to people interacting with the installation. This data collected proved that the choice of hardware and software plays a vital role in shaping the creative artworks.
Index Terms—Artwork installations; auxiliary components; artist; adriano; creativity; collaboration; interactivity; intersection; questionnaires; sensors.
Murtaza Hussain Shaikh is with Department of Computer and Information Science (IDI), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 7448, Trondheim – Norway (e-mail: Shaikh@stud.ntnu.no).
Cite: Murtaza Hussain Shaikh, "Implementing Arduino Tool for Interactive Artworks and Creative Installations.," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 760-769, 2011.
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