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IJCTE 2012 Vol.4(1): 112-118 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2012.V4.434

Efficient Authorized Access Security System Control Using ATMEL 89C55 & Mobile Bluetooth

Basil Hamed, Member, IACSIT

Abstract—Security is gaining awareness and importance in recent years. Authorized Access Security System (AASS) is a network device for validating, monitoring and controlling the security within buildings. Today, they are many building that are using security access approach to protect the building from unauthorized access. In this paper a low cost electronic system has been designed which can control different locking mechanisms. Low operating power consumption, small circuit, flexible mechanical design and user friendly interface are the salient features of this security system. The system implemented to meet both of these needs uses a user-friendly high-security interface that allows users to access an alarmed area, and authorized users to have field control of the access lists to that alarmed area. The paper presents the technology of Authorized Access Security System. This technology uses ATMEL 89C55 microcontroller and visual basic program to build data logger which provides multiple accesses to a protected area that can be an office, home, bank or whatever needed. The data logger was added to the system to make records of users who accessed the system at any time. Bluetooth-enabled mobile phones design is also proposed providing wireless and automatic unlocking .

Index Terms—Security System, ATMEL 89C55 microcontroller, visual basic, and data logger, bluetooth

Basil Hamed is with electrical Engineering Department at Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, Palestine (e-mail:


Cite: Basil Hamed, "Efficient Authorized Access Security System Control Using ATMEL 89C55 & Mobile Bluetooth," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 112-118, 2012.

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