Abstract—In current decades face recognition has acknowledged significant attention from both research communities and the market, however still remained very exciting in real applications. The assignment of face recognition has been dynamically researched in current ages. This paper offers an up-to-date evaluation of major human face recognition research. We first present an summary of face recognition and its applications. Then, a literature review of the predominantly used face recognition techniques is offered. Clarification and restrictions of face databases which are used to test the performance of these face recognition algorithms are given. The most important factors distressing the face recognition system is pose illumination, identity, occlusion and expression. This paper struggles on the papers with these factors. Here we project a vital assessment of the current researches associated with the face recognition process. In this paper, we present a wide review of major researches on face recognition process based on various conditions. In addition, we present a summarizing description of Face recognition process along with the techniques connected with the various factors that affects the face recognition process.
Index Terms—Image processing, biometrics, face recognition, face detection, pose, illumination, occlusion, expression.
Mr. S. Muruganantham is with MCA Department, S. T. Hindu College, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India (e-mail: smuru1970@gmail.com).
Dr. T.Jebarajan is with Kings College of Engineering, Chennai, India (e-mail: tjebaraj1970@gmail.com).
Cite: S. Muruganantham and Dr. T. Jebarajan, "A Comprehensive Review of Significant Researches on Face Recognition Based on Various Conditions,"
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 7-15, 2012.