Abstract—These Semantic Web promises to describe semantic information about its resources based on metadata concept. There are various schemes for querying metadata described with RDF and RDFS for effective query retrieval. Akioyoshi Matono et al. proposed indexing and query processing scheme for path based RDF query using suffix array. Sung Wan Kim proposed improved and efficient scheme for query processing based on longest common prefix concept. The results were shown using RDQL queries. There are two deficiencies, one that the proposed scheme deals with forward or backward queries and does not target resources in the middle of RDQL query. Second, various forms of RDQL queries especially based on sub-query concepts can not be answered from both the above cited schemes. In our proposed work, we have formally discussed proposed schemes to remove both these deficiencies and proposed respective solutions. The proposed work has been analyzed empirically and have found correct. The work will help to improve effectiveness in the search and retrieval of resources from suffix based RDF indexing using RDQL queries.
Index Terms—Semantic Web, RDF Graph, Suffix Array, RDQL
H. U. Khan is with the Department of Computer Science, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Attock 43600, Pakistan (e-mail: hikmatullah@comsats.edu.pk).
T. A. Malik is with the Al-Faisal University, College of Business and Tourism, Abha 61321, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (e-mail: t.a.malik@pscabha.edu.sa).
Cite: Hikmat Ullah Khan and Tahir Afzal Malik, "Finding Resources from Middle of RDF Graph and at Sub-Query Level in Suffix Array Based RDF Indexing Using RDQL Queries," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 369-372, 2012.
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