Abstract—This article describes the use of Artificial Intelligence (IA) techniques applied in cells of a manufacturing system. Machine Vision was used to identify pieces and their positions of two different products to be assembled in the same productive line. This information is given as input for an IA planner embedded in the manufacturing system. Therefore, initial and final states are sent automatically to the planner capable to generate assembly plans for a robotic cell, in real time.
Index Terms—Planning, artificial intelligence, machine vision, manufacturing system.
M. A. Lemos, E. V.Liberado, G. Botura Jr., and M. A. Marques are with the Control and Automation Engineering Department, São Paulo State University, UNESP, Sorocaba, SP 18087180 Brazil (e-mail: marilza@sorocaba.unesp.br, eduardomeca3@gmail.com, galdenoro@sorocaba.unesp.br, marciomq@sorocaba.unesp.br ) .
L. C. Rosa is with the Control and Automation Engineering Department, São Paulo State University, UNESP, Sorocaba, SP 18087180 Brazil (e-mail: luizrosa@sorocaba.unesp.br).
Cite: Marilza Antunes de Lemos, Eduardo Verri Liberado, Galdenoro Botura Jr, Marcio Alexandre Marques,and Luiz Carlos Rosa, "Machine Vision and Planning applied on Assembly Line of Multiple Products," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 422-425, 2012.
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