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IJCTE 2012 Vol.4(4): 494-496 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2012.V4.517

Intelligent Circumstance Aware Mechanism: A New Approach toward Secure Online Transactions

Arash Salehpour and Mohammad Ali Sharifloo

Abstract—In the world of online payments, preservation of accounts vital information in the state of interaction between server side and client side is one of the major issues, for both purchasers and global payment companies. This paper present an intelligent Mechanism, which have a device that owned by customers to have a safer transacts with the banking systems. A unique finger print recognition unit and a built in hashed serial number is used instead of The card serial numbers, The process of authorization is done by a questioner unite that asks randomly questions related to customers private data in the bank database to admit he/she to access to the system, and these sections combined with an intelligent software that exists in the payment gateway to detect the suspiciousness and inform the server to abort the connection. During the process, server and device communicate each other in a fully secured cryptographic manner's and protected real-time protocols. With these systems we sight to solve the linear ways that all users in all situations are equal for the payment gateways, and conduct with end users with an attended of a real time circumstance.

Index Terms—Credit card transaction, payment system, security, internet shopping, security, mutt factor authentication.

The authors are with the Dept of Computer, Faculty of Engineering University College of Nabi Akram, Tabriz, Iran.


Cite: Arash Salehpour and Mohammad Ali Sharifloo, "Intelligent Circumstance Aware Mechanism: A NewApproach toward Secure Online Transactions," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 494-496, 2012.

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