Abstract—In order to effectively maintain mobile application services in spite of sudden network disruption, middleware services with context aware intelligent decisions are required on the mobile device and the Mobile Intelligent Server (MIS) located between mobile devices and servers. Middleware services provide the management of mobile services, network connection, limited resource and context information. In this paper, we propose middleware services with context aware intelligent decisions for disconnection tolerant mobile application services. Such middleware services manage runtime application and networking contexts for intelligent decision making of the middleware.
Index Terms—Middleware, context awareness; intelligent decision; mobile application.
The authors are with University of New Brunswick, Canada (e-mail: scha@unb.ca).
Cite: Sangwhan Cha and Weichang Du, "Middleware Services with Context Aware Intelligent Decisions for Disconnection Tolerant Mobile Applications," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 542-545, 2012.
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