Abstract—This article presents the design and implementation of turning smartphones into computer remote controllers that allow users to wirelessly operate a computer. Smartphones talk to a computer through either wireless Ad Hoc or Wi-Fi access point network. A computer user uses a smartphone as the mouse and keyboard of the computer and operates the computer remotely and wirelessly. Such a system has wide application in many environment settings, such as conference rooms, classrooms, workgroup project environments, and even people’s living rooms, where the computer screen is projected onto a big screen, such as a projector screen or a big-screen television.
Index Terms—Computer remote controller, human computer interface, smartphone, smart device.
The authors are with the Department of Computer Science Prairie View Aand M University Prairie View, Texas, USA (e-mail: yoyang,linli@pvamu.edu).
Cite: Yonggao Yang and Lin Li, "Turn Smartphones into Computer Remote Controllers," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 561-564, 2012.
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