Abstract—In the dynamic MANET on-demand (DYMO) routing protocol for hybrid mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), the issues related to selection of internet gateways (IGW) and using a single path for communication between the sources to destination affects load balancing and increases the latency. To overcome these issues, we propose an efficient multi-path extension to DYMO with a load balancing technique for gateway selection. For gateway selection, a combined weight value is determined based on the metrics shortest distance, inter and intra MANET traffic load. Among the selected path from the multiple paths, the gateway with minimum weight is selected. If such a gateway does not exist, alternate path is selected from the multi path set. The protocol is beneficial since the delay, average number of hops and routing overhead decreases efficiently. By simulation results, we show that our proposed protocol achieves maximum packet delivery ratio with less delay and reduces the energy consumption of the nodes.
Index Terms—Dynamic MANET on-demand (DYMO), mobile Ad hoc networks (MANETs), routing protocol, gateway selection.
Yogesh Chaba is with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GJUST, Hisar.
R. B. Patel is with the Faculty, Department of IT and Computer Science Engineering, DCRUST, Murthal.
Rajesh Gargi is with the Department of Computer Science Engineering, IIET, Kinana, Jind (email: rajeshgargiphd@gmail.com).
Cite: Yogesh Chaba, R. B. Patel, and Rajesh Gargi, "Efficient Multipath DYMO Routing Protocol with Gateway Selection for Hybrid MANETs," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 604-610, 2012.
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