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IJCTE 2012 Vol.4(4): 641-645 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2012.V4.548

A Framework Components for Natural Language Steganalysis

Roshidi Din, Azman Samsudin, and Puriwat Lertkrai

Abstract—In order to have a viable steganalysis method, a steganalysis framework should be developed for natural language. Thus, this paper proposes a new definition of the steganalysis view in order to detect the hidden text used on natural language. This paper also analyzes and classifies several primitive components of natural language steganalysis domain. Primitive components such as resources and techniques of the natural language processing, steganography methods and steganalysis methods are presented in steganalysis environment. Thus, the integration of all these components can be known as a framework of natural language steganalysis which in return contribute to the e-application in security environment.

Index Terms—Natural language steganalysis, steganalysis methods, text steganalysis, steganography methods.

Roshidi Din and Puriwat Lertkrai are with the School of Computing (SoC), CAS Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Malaysia (e-mail:,
Azman Samsudin is with the School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), 11800, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia (e-mail:


Cite: Roshidi Din, Azman Samsudin, and Puriwat Lertkrai, "A Framework Components for Natural Language Steganalysis," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 641-645, 2012.

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