Abstract—A vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) is a new type of ad hoc network that is becoming even more popular than the original ad hoc concept. The structure of a VANET is built on mobile connectivity between car drivers and automobile equipment that informs the drivers about road status or other necessary travel information. The VANET is capable of improving the safety of the roads and reducing traffic congestion. However, VANETs face security issues typical of all networks. For example, some users may try to break into a VANET to use the service without paying for it, or for malicious purposes. In this paper, I discuss the security issues available in the VANET. In addition, I prioritize issues and introduce several families of attacks that have migrated from the original ad hoc networks to VANET. These are serious threats that are capable of crashing the VANET.
Index Terms—VANET, adhoc, security.
F. Sabahi is with the Azad University, Zanjan, Iran (e-mail: f.sabahi@ieee.org).
Cite: F. Sabahi, "Impact of Threats on Vehicular Adhoc Network Security," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 840-842, 2012.
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