Abstract—The rapid proliferation of mobile devices and smart phones has created a large demand for mobile information as well as electronic healthcare applications. Nowadays, 285 million people are suffering from diabetes in the world, and self-management is crucial in diabetes treatment. This paper describes a mobile diabetes management application on iPhone, which intends to simplify the bolus calculation and history recording procedure for patients under insulin pump therapy. The central part of this application is bolus calculation, which is based on the user specifications such as carbohydrate intake, carbohydrate ratio, correction factor, insulin on board (IOB), activity level and illness level. The application is tested using two glucose simulation tools, GlucoSim and AIDA. Results show that by adopting the recommended insulin doses, the blood glucose levels are mostly within the normal range.
Index Terms—Basal bolus insulin therapy, diabetes, iPhone, mobile healthcare.
D. Zhu is with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (e-mail: zhud0005@e.ntu.edu.sg).
F. S. Tsai is with the Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore (e-mail: fst1@columbia.edu).
Cite: Di Zhu and Flora S. Tsai, "Mobile Diabetes Management on iPhone," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 949-953, 2012.
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