Abstract—This paper refers to the design of an expert system that captures a waveform through the use of an accelerometer, processes the signal and converts it to the frequency domain using a Fast Fourier Transformer to then, using artificial intelligence techniques, specifically Fuzzy Reasoning, it determines if there is any failure present in the underlying mode of the equipment, such as imbalance, misalignment or bearing defects.
Index Terms—Expert systems, fault diagnosis, fuzzy logic, rotary machine, virtual instrumentation.
The authors are with the São Paulo State University – UNESP, Sorocaba campus, Brazil (e-mail: renato.kvanni@gmail.com, {galdenoro, marilza,marciomq, luizrosa}@sorocaba.unesp.br).
Cite: Renato K. Vanni, Galdenoro Botura Jr, Marilza A. Lemos, Marcio A. Marques, and Luiz C. Rosa, "Expert System to Detect Incipient Faults in Rotating Machines Using Fuzzy Logic and Virtual Instrumentation," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 1011-1014, 2012.
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