Abstract—The need for an efficient technique for compression of Images is ever increasing because the raw images need large amounts of disk space seems to be a big disadvantage during transmission and storage. In this paper, an efficient algorithm has been proposed for lossy image compression/decompression scheme using histogram based block optimization and arithmetic coding. Experimental result shows that the proposed algorithm gives better compression ratio as that of JPEG and some other techniques and PSNR value of decompressed image is comparable to JPEG.
Index Terms—Lossless compression, lossy compression, block optimization, histogram, arithmetic coding.
S. Dutta, A. Abhinav, P. Dutta, and P. Kumar are with the Department of Information Technology, St. Thomas‟ College of Engineering and Technology, Kolkata, India (e-mail: subarnadutta11@gmail.com, aditya.abhinav.ankur@gmail.com, partha.dutta1988@gmail.com, kumar.stcet@gmail.com).
Amiya Halder is with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, St. Thomas‟ College of Engineering and Technology, Kolkata, India (e-mail: amiya_halder@indiatimes.com).
Cite: Subarna Dutta, Aditya Abhinav, Partha Dutta, Purushottam Kumar, and Amiya Halder, "An Efficient Image Compression Algorithm Based on Histogram Based Block Optimization and Arithmetic Coding,"
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 954-957, 2012.