Abstract—Production layout systems consist of job shop or process layout, product layout, fixed position layout and group technology layout. In job shop or process layout, departments consist of the machines with the same capabilities that have the same functions. In group technology systems, the same parts are constructed in a group and by the same set of machines. Analytic hierarchy process is one of the most efficient decision making techniques, which was discussed for the first time by Thomas L. Saaty in 1980. That was based on the pairwise comparisons and enables the managers to study different scenarios. In this paper, for the ranking of job shop or process layout, and group technology, we use Analytic hierarchy process method. For examination the suggested method and of its usage in Iran Tractor Manufacturing Company is shown.
Index Terms—Analytic hierarchy process, group technology, job shop.
S. Rajabi is with the Department of Industrial Engineering, Malek ashtar University of Technology (e-mail: sohrab_psb@ yahoo.com).
H. Maleki is with the Department of Industrial Engineering, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch (e-mail: st_h_maleki@azad.ac.ir).
Cite: Sohrab Rajabi and Hamed Maleki, "Ranking Job Shop and Group Technology Layout with the Analyzing Approach," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 143-145, 2013.
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