Abstract—IT Services is considered as the key driver for the changes taking place around the world. Internet banking (IB) is the latest and most innovative service and is the new trend among the consumers. The transformation from the traditional banking to e-banking has been a 'leap' change. This study determines the factors for the consumer acceptance of internet banking and hence investigates the influence of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, subjective norm, attitude and perceived behavioral control on use of IB among consumers. It is an essential part of a bank‘s strategy to formulate a model for popularizing the technology adopted to provide customer services. Therefore in this study an integration of TAM and TPB is done. Survey based questionnaire design with empirical test was carried out. The results have supported the hypothesis.
Index Terms—Internet banking, TAM, TPB, ease of use, usefulness, subjective norm, attitude.
R.Safeena, A. Kammani, and N. Hundewale are with College of Computers and Information Technology, Taif University, Saudi Arabia. (email: safi.abdu@gmail.com)
H Date is with National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai, India.
Cite: Rahmath Safeena, Hema Date, Nisar Hundewale, and Abdullah Kammani, "Combination of TAM and TPB in Internet Banking Adoption," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 146-150, 2013.
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